
11 Science 1
posted on 7/15/11 at 10:16 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Hellooooow! long time no post! eh ga juga deng...
jadi sekarang saya resmi jd anak ipa, entah harus bahagia atau sedih tapi ya jalani saja awalnya sempet mau mundur, tapi ngeliat kakak-kakak kelas gue yang semuanya bisa-bisa aja kenapa gue ga bisa? harus bisa lebih baik dong pastinya! hehe fighting sajalah

gue dapet di kelas 11 IPA 1, dimana itu adalah (tadinya) 1-1nya kelas yang ac-nya modar, tapi lama-lama kelas yang lain ikutan haha -.- tapi untung sekarang udah mendingan, alhamdulillah yaAllah, banyak diluar sana anak-anak yang sekolahnya gapake ac, bahkan menuju sekolah aja harus lewatin beberapa rintangan, lindungi mereka yaAllah O:)

oiya udah di ipa jadi ga boleh main-main lagi, sekalinya gamasuk gitu, udahdeh ketinggalan banyak banget, dan gue rasa yang ips juga. well, di 42 itu gaada yang namanya "SANTAI" lo santai lo kebantai dah percaya sama gue, mm percaya aja kalo gue berle haha. tapi serius sekolah gue emang deh disiplin abis, ga ipa, ga ips sama aja. hari pertama masuk biasanya kan leha-leha, lah ini? langsung belajar, full, f-u-l-l dan langsung dikasih pr-_-

Di kelas ipa, lo harus rajin, gapapa gabisa yang penting rajin. dan, fisika, mtk, kimia, biologi pasti selalu ketemu mereka deh. kimia, fisika, mtk 5jam/minggu, sedangkan biologi 4jam/minggu. kenyang juga ya, sekarang itu semua bakal jadi makanan gue sehari-hari. jadi sebagai anak kelas 11 itu harus rajin, dan harus jaga kesehatan bgt, yak jadi sudah saya putuskan untuk tetap belajar di hari senin-jumat, pokoknya gue gamau belajar kalo udah sabtu, kalo minggu malemnya aja.....

oke enuff deh, bye e-diary! xx


posted on 7/2/11 at 10:34 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Hi pals!
I'm gonna post something about him. Him. The one who changed my life, my life to be more colorful.

He is the 'him'

maybe you've seen my posts which talk about him. well, he asked me to make a post which is about him.
he is the one who fill me with happiness, sadness, madness and stuffs. maybe distance has successfully separated us, but i know that's just a test to make us being stronger and unbreakable ;-) but we don't know what's going to be happen. jakarta-bandung, not too far but still sometimes missing him is killing me.

you know, he will calm me down with his wise words. he will warm me with his hugs. he will boost my mood up even he was the one who break it. he will mad at me when i am not listening to him. he is the one who get angry when i am sick. he doesn't always be there to text or call me, but i know i was the one who always been there on his mind. he can be an idiot when he was with me, so he is the one whom i can be silly with. 

he is cool. he is ehm handsome -_- he is tall. he is thin but his stomach is like a woman with 3 months pregnant ages haha buncit :3 he has a sharp nose. he is kind. he is trustworthy. he can be religious sometimes. he is funny. he is idiot. he is jealousy. he is understanding. he is amazing. he is lovely. he is mischievous. he is everything i need. he is everything i want.

14 months being together. we both doesn't want this to be over. we both afraid of left and abandoned. we both hope that we'll be loving each other till the end of time haha! we commit. we'll work hard even harder to hold what we've been trough. there are so many advices from family and friends. i really hope we'll make it. they supports us. but ya, we don't know what will happen next, just pray then work hard. if nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing? hahaha -.- what i know now we have to face everything in front of us, sure we'll make it. i pray our dreams will be come true, i pray that we were meant to be. i always pray for you. for us.

Love you! 

p.s. sorry for those bad grammars, i am not the master of speaking and writing in english =b this post dedicated to my future man (aamiminn!) Muhammad Ridwan Triantoro 


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