
posted on 3/2/12 at 5:40 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Well, as I promised you, here are some photos from Jogja

42, XXIX Jakarta-Jogja

We were almost there

Hello, Prambanan!

One of favorite University in Indonesia

 Loostusteadus at Kraton Jogjakarta

When I look the photos from friends' cameras I found so many things that shouldn't has to be captured, but thats quite funny. Lol

Hahaha just don't try those poses at home! ;b

Oiya, kita juga ada angket kelas. Karena gue lupa ada angket apa aja, gue post yang gue inget ajayaw :b

 Best Chairmate!

 Ter-alim O:)

Ter-badai, wussshhhh 

Ter-baik cikiciw 

 Ter-bawel !@#$%^&*()_+-=`~

Tercantik&Terganteng ;;) 

Ter-cool brrrrr 

 Ter-galak >:O

 Ter-iseng kekekek

 Ter-LOL hwahwa

Ter-manis, sugah 


And the last but not least, 
Ter-unyu hihihi :3

Segitu aja deh ya hehehe,
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