
27hours in Singapore
posted on 6/1/11 at 7:14 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Hello my e-diary!
Sempet punya masalah nih sama blog ini, tapi untung udah gapapa hehe, well I wanna tell you something! 
em, last week, 21st of May my parents and I went to Singapore, my father said that it was a gift for my mother, because my mother celebrated her birthday on 20th May. we went to airport at 5am, arrived there, check in and then boarding. an hour and 25 minutes later, we arrived at changi, i  searched for computer and went online huh 1 text message payed for 4k! how sad it was. we took taxi to reached the hotel in China Town, woaaaaah the architecture, the environment and all were cool! that was my first time and ah Im in love with Singapore! =3 In there I only went to China Town, Orchard rd, and Sentosa Island not much but aaa all of that = awesome! 

enough! xoxo


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