
action yay!
posted on 10/21/12 at 8:07 AM | 0 cmnt/s

hi. i've told you about R, right? yep. 

he keep his words 'talk less do more'. it was our first month. i didn't expect much, as long as we're together, i'll be fine =] he didn't say "happy anniversary" or something like that, but i'm okay sooo i lived that day as usual, but when i mentioned him on twitter "met bulan pertama @rigelmfz" he retweeted it with "okesip" hhhh songong rite? but i loooove him *ups...we promised each other not to say 'i love you' intensively :-).

tapi, di hari berikutnya, he insisted me untuk pulang dia yg nganter. lalu, teman-temanku sibuk sama gue yang mau motokopiin soal, jadi dia nunggu lama. pasti dia bete hueheheh sorry yaw! 

sampai dirumah gue, gue langsung masuk, dianya gue tinggal di depan haha, pas gue keluar........jjang! 
dia bawa bunga =" i've never know that he's sweet, walaupun cuma bilang 
"kemaren kan aku ga ngucapin, nih *sambil nyodorin bunganya* itu yang warna orange maksudnya biar kaya d'jak ya"    

yayayaya terserah lo tapi gue seneng meheheh:-3
i love the way you act! the way you calm me down, the way you listen to all my stories, waaaa! 
stay like this, please...

oke ini cuma iseng-iseng cerita buat ngilangin penat setelah uts. bye!

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