hellooooooo! i just finished my latest post and i feel relief. i was crying loh haha such a crybaby-_- and then, this is the last day in 2012. what have you done on the whole year? 2012 flies sooo fast. and here are what i've done in this year. BAD MOMENTS (that i remember):
Knowing a tsunami in the early year. Japan, be save!
Had trouble with my scores
Argued with parents
Believed in a fake hope my father gave
Unwanted break-up
Breaking up problem
Split up with my Loostusteadus
Feeling empty
Sick for a week so i couldn't attend school
Argued with my very best friends
The other best friend mad at me
The whole people in XII Science 1 had to sign on a letter of agreement with teacher
Felt lost like i had no friend
Friends blaming me because i found someone
Couldn't have a holiday with my family
Eyang Rini passed away..
Recognize who "this" person really is
and many more that i forgot GOOD MOMENTS (that i remember too):
One of my dreams came true, i went umrah :')
Khrisma got a new job after resign!
Oki graduated
Mom got a new car
Went to the 12 grade
Blend in with class
Got a new cellphone
Running Man 2nd Anniversary and yet still goes on till now!
Off position as a leader of PHOSPOR and gave it to the right person
Met new people in BTA45
A stronger best friend relationship
Found someone new :-)
Got my toefl score as what my father bet me
Ah, good moments are too many and i can't write em all here and here are also my resolution for 2013
won't get my ass stick up too long to play with my laptop
study harder! and no more lazy things
stay healthy
pass all the tests smoothly
go to the nation university
see happy smile at my parent's face
get my body taller
all of my projects status will be completely success
looking for a job, too
my whole family are still given chance to live longer in a very nice condition
relationship is still going well
and soo many more heheheh maybe i'll post again because it's too boring here huh adieu!
hi there, uhm i have a not so good day today, i really want to throw everything that has been bothering me. i know i shouldn't share it on a social media like this but i don't know who else would hear. they would say that i'm a grumbler, maybe i am, but no one really understand how i feel. not even ONE. so, as you know, i'm living my life as an only child. i bet you think that "wow, cool an only child, she can get everything she wanted", "there'll be no one disturbing her", "she must be loved by her parents" NO! yeah maybe i can get everything i wanted BUT if i can give my parents something too, such as a good toefl score or the other school's stuffs. and you know, sometime it is tiring to beg for their (parents') time. both of them are workaholic. correct it, my mom is still trying to make time for me. how about my dad? he doesn't. weekend, holiday, red date or else he-still-make-his-job-as-a-priority. mark it. once i get his time, there's always something that makes me mad. like on the way, heading to somewhere, he never stop talking on the phone. and i do hate it, a lot. i always stay at home everyday, school day. just with mbak. i do really want to play with my friends on holiday, but nowadays my mom always ban me to do this or that. maybe that's because i am a 12 grader that have to study all over seconds. it's so stressing me. i think my mom wants me to be an anti-social kid who only have mbak, masjon and masno as friends. being home alone is boooooooorrrrriiiiiinnnggggggg. i don't know what else to say. today, 31st of December 2012. i was planning a new year event with tika and tito but my mom has successfully ruin it. :-) i envy people who gonna spend their new year event with their lovely family. and on the other side my dad is in his office now, i don't know what is he doing there but i know for sure he doesn't even think of spending time with mom&me. thank you so much for your attention, daddy! there's only you who can make me feel loved and forgotten at the same time. i love you mom&dad :") me? i think i'm just going to surf the internet or watch some variety shows, alone. if only my cousins were here, i won't feel this lonely. bye!
aha, howdiee? been so long since i haven't done some posts here.
senior year's life was extremely time-consuming. well, the point is, i want to share my birthday story with you, i know this is toooooo late, but i want to show you something.
waktu itu, dari tanggal 5 November, gue bikin scrapbook untuk bapak tercinta yang kebetulan ultahnya barengan, nggak kebetulan sih tapi emang disengaja biar bareng...
dan tanggal 7, my Mr. Mfz, told me that he had an accident. i thought he was just joking but he sent me a picture of his foot...bloody damn
nah pas tanggal 8 itu gue bawa scrapbooknya kesekolah karena emang gamungkin nyelesaiin dirumah jadi minta bantuan ke temen. dan sepulang sekolah tanggal 8 itu, gue sama geng BTA tambahan di bta 53, gue berangkat bareng tidy dan dhifa, naik taksi, peralatan scrapbook+scrapbooknya gue taro di tas tentengan kecil. setelah sampe di BTA, gue baru nyadar kalo tas tentengan gue itu gaada. panic. panic. and panic. belajarpun tak konsen, bingung, resah, gelisah dll, rasanya itu kaya lagi naik halilintar terus kelempar ke kora-kora terus ngepar di bianglala dan akhirnya nyemplung ke danau.....*krik.
tapi akhirnya gue nelfon BTA-45 dan ternyata................ADA!
dan rasa senengnya itu kaya habis dapet 100 dalam semua mata pelajaran whoaaaaaah, my scrapbook status was safe.
malem itu agak aneh, mfz bilang biar gue gausah les aja soalnya bsk kan ultah waktunya seneng2, dia juga bilang feelingnya gaenak, apatau, ga pro bgt ya hahaha tp gue tetep ngeyel biar les.
terus, tiba2 nyokap juga bilang biar besok gausah les, doi mau ngajak makan-makan.
tidy juga bilang kalo besok dia nggak les karena mau main sama pacarnya
and so i said "liat besok aja" to my mom.
finally, 00.00, November 9th 2012
i asleep and so did my father. but mom, woke me up and asked me to move to her bedroom and i saw candle-lights! wow! it was a birthday cake for me and my father. we made wishes as we blew the candles. i was soooo happy!
(muka bangun tidur, duo alay)
seperti ultah2 sebelumnya, gue bagi-bagi j.co ke temen-temen sekelas. dan belum ada ucapan dari si M. gue tanya ke temen sekelasnya dia masuk atau nggak, katanya enggak dan....retaklah hati ini *dikit.
tapi pas istirahat, 3 sahabat ajinomoto datang menghampiri (yang 1 sih sebangku). mereka bawa bingkisan guedeeeeee. pertama sih bilangnya bukan buat gue tapi ternyata..............mfz nimbrung, bingung kan orang, katanya sih gamasuk, tapi.....ya suka-suka lo deeeeh. and then i opened the present.
this is the present that i have been waiting for the rest of my life!!! couldn't be happier at that time heheheh, thanks a lot Ajinomoto (feliza, paron&tidy)
tapi tetep aja mfz ini ga ngucapin. he was being such a mood breaker. tapi ya biarin deh yabiar dia seneng aja. terus balik deh ke kelas, dija bilang "check laci" gue check deh, pas dibuka.....................i found a cap, a cap that i have been looking for hwaaaaaa thank you so much my vice, Nadia Dija <:-d font="font">
jam pulang sekolahpun tiba, karena kesel dan bt akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk tidak les, pulang sekolah pun dijemput sama mas johno. terus tidur deh di mobil. sampe rumah, bangun sebentar, terus nyopot jilbab (karena waktu itu hari jumat) terus naro tas, nyamperin ibu ke kamar dan plek.....tertidur, i didn't even remove my shocks-___-
lagi asik tidur tiba2 ada yang berisik, kirain siapa.......ternyata tika si kepala suku dan gue langsung melek pas liat ada posternya donghae!!!! whoaaaa happy sekaliiii.
tika langsung sok-sok-an ngajak nonton di kamar gue, ok gue turutin tapi gue mbatin.... kok tika doang ya, kece mana huftmana gue juga masih bt sama mfz. bt bangeeeet hoaaah. tapi tau-tau ada yang rame dan ternyata......jjang! gue liat dhifa tidy radian tito titis dan.............mfz he:-D what a surprise! tapi mereka memberikan hadiah yang sangaaaaat menggelikan, yaitu adalah topi kodok i couldn't stand it, really-_- dan mfz datang membawa sekuntum mawar merah huaa dasar anak alay yang dengkulnya (waktu itu) luka-luka tp cinta kok :-* waktu lagi ngobrol-ngobrol sama kece, aldi pun datang. dan tau tau mfz keluar, nyuruh gue ikut keluar, taunya dia udah bawa telor, otomatis saya kabur tapi di tenteng, tangan diipegang aldi, kaki dipegang mfz, kebayang ga? hhh jangan dibayangin deh. disitu disiram pake big cola, tepung, kopi bubuk bahkan cair dan abu rokok :""""""( teman mavam apa kalian ini.............tp sayang bangeeet ce sama kalian ({}) setelah itu, selesai sudah penyiksaannya............trimakasih banyak! tptptptptptptp ada kado susulan ternyata, kata mfz "karena kemaren kecelakaan, kadonya nyusul ya" do you know, he gave me this...........
dan ada kado susulan lagi dari tidooooy, which is what i've been looking for too hehe
by the way, i'm touched by the video walaupun ada kesalahan teknis dalam penulisan "birthday" jadi "birhtday" hahaha maklum kok habis kecelakaan sih ya. but........i do love it!
love people in it, and i love you guys, sooooooooooo much! :-*