
posted on 7/19/13 at 9:26 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Long time no posts and here I am with my teary eyes..

I can't reach my goal of being a student in University of Indonesia.
My Mom has been my very best supporter since the 1st announcement. I only chose UI for the whole tests I've joined, too high, but that's what my father dream, his only child become one of those lucky students. He also want us to be a one of those who wear that yellow jacket (he was a student in UI).

When he knew that in this last chance I can't pass... Beliau gak ngomomg apa-apa sampe sekarang, walaupun ibu udah berusaha supaya bapak tetep support, tapi yg beliau tunjukin hanyalah rasa kecewa yang sangat dalaaaaaam. Bahkan, waktu mau berangkat ke kantor beliau gak pamit, gak mau kaliya liat muka anaknya ini yang bisanya cuma ngecewain dan nyusahin. Kalo aja rias boleh milih jurusan apa yang rias mau, kampus mana yang rias pilih, rias bisa jamin kalo rias gak akan ngecewain bapak.

Ibuku itu hebat, hari ini ibu malah ngajak gw jalan-jalan untuk ngelupain rasa kecewa gw juga yang tentunya gak kalah dalem daripada orgtua gw. Ibu dengan bangganya ngerangkul gw waktu jalan, padahal biasanya gak pernah.. Ibu bilang biar gw kuliah di swasta aja, daripada di luar kota, emangsih gw pernah bilang ke ibu kalo gw gamau pilih kuliah di luar kota karena dari kecil udah ditinggal ibu dines kemana-mana, masa sekarang waktu ibu udah pensiun, udah di rumah terus malah rias yang pergi ninggalin ibu?

That Mr. Mafaza also been here the whole time, he always says "masih banyak cara lain buat sukses" I knooow. He always supports me and he always lend me a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for always been there for me.

A sweet young lady named Arissa also always supports me. Her words always touch me trough my deepest heart. And she makes me realised that I am loved and blessed. She loves me, she also says that there are a lot of people out there who care for me, who love me, who are nice to me because I always do the same to them, but I never knew that. She makes me sure that nothing to worry about as long as I focused on what I have now.

My big family... Ah they are the best! I couldn't ask for more.

Well, at the end only Allah knows what's the very best for me, even I ask for thousands times to be a student in that university but it's no good for me, I won't be accepted. Mungkin jurusannya yang salah, atau kampusnya yang salah, mungkin memang bukan di situ rezekinya. Allah pasti punya jalan lain untuk rias supaya bisa bikin bapak dan ibu bahagia. Karena emang riaslah harapan satu-satunya, Mungkin sampe sekarang rias udah terbiasa dengan kata gagal, tapi rias gak bakalan bosen gagal sampe rias bisa bikin bapak dan ibu bahagia, gimanapun jalannya, sesederhana apapun bentuknya yang penting bapak dan ibu nggak ngerasa disusahkan dan dibebankan lagi karena rias.

I want to thank you to all of you for supporting me! =D

I am grateful for what I have now. I couldn't ask for more. I have my family, my friends and lover who never get tired to lift me up and never throw me back down!

I love you guys! And I'm feeling special because Allah wants me to wait for something big that gonna appear in front of me and I can't barely wait for that! *meyakinkan diri sendiri lah ya*  

I'm gonna post some more since I have nothing to do til September wohooooooow!!!!!!
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