My Kind of Love
posted on 7/26/13 at 10:59 PM |
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Hello! How's your day?
I'm going to post about..... ah just read it if you want, if you don't, you know where the close button :-)
Well, if I write a post titled "My Kind of Love" maybe someone out there would have such an "illfeel" thing. Hahaha. Moreover, when he read it.
Okay, my boyfriend is not a person who's so into this. He doesn't like that kind of relationship which has to be seen by the universe so, I assume that he only want me, only me who knows the way he feels for me. I am feeling special because of that but, sometimes I want people to know how cute he is. There are some of our friends who say "Pacaran, tapi kaya orang ngga pacaran ya kalian" and we like that. We really like that because being like that is fun and we don't always have to be seen as a lover.
The words "I love you" is way too priceless for us, saying that before sleep or in the morning is not our kind of relationship's habit. He would say that he love me when we just got into a fight or when we celebrate our anniversary day. I like his style of being into this relationship. Even if it's his first time to be in a relationship, but he knows how to treat me. I do love the way he treats me and I think, my mom loves it too. At first, my mom doesn't really like him but when it came to my birthday, I showed her the video he gave me and after that, she constantly ask how is he doing..
There are some of his personality that I hate a lot but all of them are covered by his kindness and sweetness. I hate the way he mad at me, he would end up being quiet all day to me and I always can't stand that! He is so scary whenever he mad. Insane. He often apologize first and I always end up forgive him because I still want him in my live so bad. Despite all of that, I bet you're gonna envy me.. He likes to text me "Take a look in front of your house, who's there" and it's him carrying a bouquet of red roses and straightly say "Happy anniversary" or on the rainy day when mbak doesn't cook for lunch, he would come to my house all wet bringing me a packet of Happy Meal which has a minion in it. He always show his love by his act, not his words. Doing a sweet thing is much better than saying sweet things.
Whenever I tell him how afraid I am of losing him or those break up issues, he would say if everything gonna be just fine, we don't have to worry about tomorrow, maybe we have a destination but we don't even know what's going to come in front of us, "Kaya jalan di terowongan aja, kalo dijalanin terus juga ketemu titik terangnya" okaaaay! and I pity him a lot for saying that he have to spend those 17 years of his life waiting for me then does he have to spend another 17 years to look for someone who can replace me? hahaha.
Well, I can never thank Allah enough for bringing him into my life. Please stay a little bit longer.
I love the way you can listen to all my stories as a best friend, love me like a lover, spoil me like I am your younger sister or your daughter, respect me the way you respect your mom, support me like I am your idol, the way you get jealous, how you spend your time with me, how we make up after a fight, how dying you are to see me dressing up; putting make up on my face; and wearing heels like a sweet young lady, I love you, everything about you. I love you, even if I can't tell you everyday, you have to know that I always do.
You know, we are living in the best kind of relationship. Why? Because the best kind of relationship is with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.
There's a reason why we love each other now, and we don't know if this is forever.
There's a reason why we are together now, and we don't care if it's not forever now.
Ah! How I love being in love. Thank you for completing me!
I love you Mafaza, I really do! <3 p="">xx
graduation (late post)
It's me again.. and I am going to write about my graduation day! Yay!
*telat banget* tapi paling ngga mau share aja kalo orang-orang inilah yang bikin gw betah di sma, yang bikin sma gw ya nggak hitam putih abu-abu ajalahya
waktu acara belom mulai, si cewe-cewe narsis ini udah foto-foto terus aja, mungkin karena baru sampe jadi masih pada cantik-cantik =b sampe dimarahin ya disuruh duduk sama guru karena asik foto-foto
and then, ada anak yang telat tau-tau duduk di sebelah gw aja, belom pake jas dan kemejanya juga belum dimasukin huff dasar tukang telat. doi namanya Rizqie, eits bukan berarti gw sok-sok nulis gak bener, tapi liat aja akte-nya, ejaannya pasti begitu. beberapa anak ada yang bilang kita pantes jadi kakak adek setelah shooting drama bareng, ada juga yang bilang mirip mungkin karena sama-sama pake behel. ini anak juga temen main dari kelas 11, dan waktu kelas 12 kita sering belajar bareng sama henry, bagas, taufan, aldo, majid. untung membuahkan hasil ya, eqie-pun meraih nilai 100 di pelajaran biologi! Congratz :b semoga sukses jadi pilot ya kaaaak! :)
nah kalo yang ini sih namanya masbay, ketua kelasnya xii ipa 1 yang baik! bisa mimpin teman-temannya. dia juga bantu gw dalam banyak hal, kalo curhat juga sering ke dia, minta solusi dalam ngatasin buku tahunan dll. pokoknya he's a very good listener for me and I miss talking to you bay! sukses ya
kalo Azfar, dia kaya hampir tau semua tentang gw. he's one of the nicest person I've known! (the most patient too) di chat jam berapapun juga bales, mau cerita apa-apa juga nanggepin pokoknya top lah! and I think I'm gonna miss him when he left for Japan to continue his study. See you! You have to be a successful person! ;)
One of my fave accessory I bought it months before dan baru dipake waktu ini
nah! this is my sweet Feyiii!
and this is me
ini Gita! sd-smp-sma barengan! sahabat 12 tahun nih, punya gak? hahaha. bedanya, dari sd-sma gita jadi dewasa banget, sedangkan gw ya masih aja begini dari sd..
my fave teacher! she's the one who get close to (almost) all of her students! she's so lovely and forever young. Kadang, miss K ini lebih kaya temen dan kakak daripada guru, mungkin karena missK juga gaul, di luar kelas kadang manggilnya ya lo-gue.. and I miss u miss!
duh ini kurang tito, ini anggota dari kece club, family family!
nih nih bocah tengik yang suka over pd dan kurang pd pada saat yang bersamaan. anak gokielz yang seru dan dulu agak miris nasibnya.. tapi sekarang bejo banget! perjalanan cintanya udah nggak begitu miris lagi karena sekarang dia udh punya cewe yang cantik dan yang pasti pinter, iyalah anak itb.. terus Putro juga udah dapet uns, dapet ui juga waw selamat kawan! sukses ya bawa nama Jawa yow!
Well, ini ajinomoto team ada Feyi, Tidy, Rias dan Paron. waktu kelas 10 kita selalu bersama, sampe sekarang dan sampai nanti inshaa Allah yah Aamin! belakangan ini, Paron sama Feyi suka main dan jalan sama Rias, kalo Tidy diajak jalan suka magey sih.. Paron sama Feyi sering jadi tong unek-unek buat gw, mereka berarti sekali, kalo gak ada mereka ini mungkin gw gak bakal ngerasain jadi anak sma (bunuh diri gt wkwkwk lebay) yah pokoknya I LOVE YOU! Paron sekarang jadi anak Hukum di U. Brawijaya, Feyi di IPB, Tidy sih masih galau pilih Undip atau Telkom, choose what's best for you dear! Think about every single thing! Insha Allah kita ini adalah calon-calon orang sukses ya, Aamin!
Nih si adek Henry adalah teman main yang suka nebengin pulang yang suka ngajak kesana kesini tapi selalu pas gw gabisa ahaha. sukses adik!!
Nih ada foto 2 orang 'agak ganteng' yang atas namanya Awal, yang bawah namanya Yudha.
Awal ini temen intensif BTA yang masuk kalo TO doang dan temen gosip gw, sering banget kita gibah bareng. kiranya, awal ini cukup desperate karena dia ngerasa udah ganteng, tapi masih jomblo :( yuk mari manteman siapa yang mau pdkt-in Awal silahkaaaan!
Kalo Yudha temen 1 basecamp juga, waktu kelas 11 kita sering main bareng-bareng di rumtop dan kadang nobar gitudeeeh, Yudha nih cowok yang kakinya mulus, takut item, dan gelian! pegang aja lehernya dia sama pinggangnya ntar juga menggeliatgeliat:b
Sukses buat Yudha dan Awal!
Waktu acara mau selesai, Wakil Ketua PHOSFOR periode 2013/2014 menghampiri dan memberikan setangkai mawar putih ini, katanya sih dari anak PHOSFOR. Terimakasih adik-adikku!
Gak semuanya bisa di taro 1-1 disini, pokoknya makasih banget buat kenangannya X-8 Vasteristiclyte, XI IPA 1 Loostusteadus, XII IPA 1 Oustine! Buat PHOSFOR jugaaa! Buat XXIX..
Sukses semuanya! See you when I see you guys!
Long time no posts and here I am with my teary eyes..
I can't reach my goal of being a student in University of Indonesia.
My Mom has been my very best supporter since the 1st announcement. I only chose UI for the whole tests I've joined, too high, but that's what my father dream, his only child become one of those lucky students. He also want us to be a one of those who wear that yellow jacket (he was a student in UI).
When he knew that in this last chance I can't pass... Beliau gak ngomomg apa-apa sampe sekarang, walaupun ibu udah berusaha supaya bapak tetep support, tapi yg beliau tunjukin hanyalah rasa kecewa yang sangat dalaaaaaam. Bahkan, waktu mau berangkat ke kantor beliau gak pamit, gak mau kaliya liat muka anaknya ini yang bisanya cuma ngecewain dan nyusahin.
Kalo aja rias boleh milih jurusan apa yang rias mau, kampus mana yang rias pilih, rias bisa jamin kalo rias gak akan ngecewain bapak.
Ibuku itu hebat, hari ini ibu malah ngajak gw jalan-jalan untuk ngelupain rasa kecewa gw juga yang tentunya gak kalah dalem daripada orgtua gw. Ibu dengan bangganya ngerangkul gw waktu jalan, padahal biasanya gak pernah.. Ibu bilang biar gw kuliah di swasta aja, daripada di luar kota, emangsih gw pernah bilang ke ibu kalo gw gamau pilih kuliah di luar kota
karena dari kecil udah ditinggal ibu dines kemana-mana, masa sekarang waktu ibu udah pensiun, udah di rumah terus malah rias yang pergi ninggalin ibu?
That Mr. Mafaza also been here the whole time, he always says "masih banyak cara lain buat sukses" I knooow. He always supports me and he always lend me a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for always been there for me.
A sweet young lady named Arissa also always supports me. Her words always touch me trough my deepest heart. And she makes me realised that I am loved and blessed. She loves me, she also says that there are a lot of people out there who care for me, who love me, who are nice to me because I always do the same to them, but I never knew that. She makes me sure that nothing to worry about as long as I focused on what I have now.
My big family... Ah they are the best! I couldn't ask for more.
Well, at the end only Allah knows what's the very best for me, even I ask for thousands times to be a student in that university but it's no good for me, I won't be accepted. Mungkin jurusannya yang salah, atau kampusnya yang salah, mungkin memang bukan di situ rezekinya. Allah pasti punya jalan lain untuk rias supaya bisa bikin bapak dan ibu bahagia. Karena emang riaslah harapan satu-satunya, Mungkin sampe sekarang rias udah terbiasa dengan kata gagal, tapi rias gak bakalan bosen gagal sampe rias bisa bikin bapak dan ibu bahagia, gimanapun jalannya, sesederhana apapun bentuknya yang penting bapak dan ibu nggak ngerasa disusahkan dan dibebankan lagi karena rias.
I want to thank you to all of you for supporting me! =D
I am grateful for what I have now. I couldn't ask for more. I have my family, my friends and lover who never get tired to lift me up and never throw me back down!
I love you guys! And I'm feeling special because Allah wants me to wait for something big that gonna appear in front of me and I can't barely wait for that! *meyakinkan diri sendiri lah ya*
I'm gonna post some more since I have nothing to do til September wohooooooow!!!!!!
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